Friday 26 November 2010


Our horror film 'No Way Out' would probably come under the category of 'teen horror' as it focuses on the teenage lifestyle and party attitude. It could be compared to Carrie as we have used the idea of possession and supernatural influences. It could also be compared to The Blair Witch Project due to our use of home movie style filming in order to show points of view. The Shining has also given us the inspiration of using an isolated group of people and the idea of an insider being the enemy, as well as the added element of supernatural forces having an influence on the characters' state of mind. We stuck quite closely to the typical horror movie form but decided to challenge some conventional concepts, such as the 'final girl' theory, in order to make our film more different and exciting.

Our film would target teenagers and we have tried to address them by creating scenarios and characters that they may be able to relate to. Social activities and school is something that young people can relate to internationally, therefore I believe that basing our film around this area will be effective for drawing in our target audience. Horror movie viewers are excited by plots that they can compare to their own real life experiences and so I believe that 'No Way Out' will be more appealing.

Media technologies have played a big part in the production of our 'No Way Out' trailer. We have blogged our progress throughout and used iMovie to edit the trailer together. I found iMovie quite easy to use and we made the most of the cutting and audio effects available. Overall I am pleased with our finished trailer. I think that there is a good range of shots and that it fulfils it's purpose of creating suspense and encouraging viewers to see the film. However, when we started the production process a number of factors meant that we had to deviate from the original treatment and shot list. Our original plan was very adventurous and we had to change and remove some shots but I believe this alternate outcome delivers the same intended narrative. If I could change one thing about our trailer I would not have it entirely set at night because of lighting issues.

In post production we used Photoshop to create a movie poster and movie magazine cover, using a photography studio to capture the featured photos. We decided to keep the magazine cover quite sophisticated and simple, choosing to represent the actor from our film rather than the character he plays. Because of this we needed to emphasise the horror theme through the content of the magazine, naming it 'The Horror Issue'.

On our movie poster we decided to include all of the main characters and a sinister black shadow to represent the villain. Again we wanted our poster to be quite simple yet appealing, using mainly black and white and minimal text, in order to create more authenticity we also added some star ratings.

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