Monday 17 January 2011


Genre Theories

According to Schatz's theory, genre is separated into two types; genre of order and genre of integration. My product would be considered mainly as genre of order as it conforms to a conventional horror style. In my piece the group of main characters as a whole could be regarded as the 'hero' because of their communal effort to restore order. Conflict is externalised because of the uncertain environment and results in the elimination of the majority of the group, including the villain. The integration theory is not consistent with my plot because it usually deals with a female dominated group in a civilised space where conflict is internalised through emotions and resolved through love.

In regards to Altman's theory, that genres reflect the concerns of the time, my product probably refers to the theme of anti-social behaviour among teenagers; the idea that young people are out of control and when left unattended will throw parties that may involve underage drinking, drug taking, vandalism and violence. Another theory is Collins', that genres are blurred because there are so many hybrids.

Narrative Theories

There are many types of narrative structure:
Point of view

The human mind relies on a narrative to make sense of things, we connect events and make interpretations based on those connections.

Todorov's theory:

There are 5 stages the narrative progresses through:

1. A state of equilibrium (All is as it should be)
2. A disruption of that order by an event.
3. A recognition that the disorder has occurred.
4. An attempt to repair the damage of the disruption.
5. A return or restoration of a new equilibrium.

In the case of my product:
1. The group are at school, as normal.
2. The group are invited to the party.
3. The group attend the party and bad things start to happen.
4. They try to locate the killer.
5. The killer is stopped and the survivor is safe.

This theory says that the constant creation of conflict or opposition propels the narrative and that the narrative can only end with the resolution of conflict. Opposition can be visual e.g. light/darkness, movement/stillness or conceptual e.g. good/evil, man/nature.

His theory looks at 31 functions of character types, these narrative functions are spread between the main characters:

Hero (Protagonist)
Villain (Antagonist)

This theory takes the idea that most narratives follow the form of the mythic hero quest, journey or monomyth and also looks at archetypes, which he names as:

1. Hero
2. Shadow
3. Outcast
4. Devil Figure
5. Woman Figure (Earth Mother, Temptress etc.)
6. Wise Old Man

Tuesday 4 January 2011

'No Way Out' Trailer

Original Shot List

Here is the the shot list for our trailer:

Day 1
Filming shots 1-14, 25, 32
School shot
Five actors actors walking
Bloody hand print
Halloween party flyer
Coin flip
Group around the Table

Day 2
House scenes 16, 18, 19-30

Day 3
Party scenes 17 and 15